Rabu, 09 Desember 2015

Katanya Setiap Benda Langit yang Masuk ke Bumi Akan Terbakar. Memangnya Terbakar oleh Apa?

Oleh: Aprilia* (Astronom)
Adik-adik, banyak sekali benda yang beterbangan tak beraturan di ruang angkasa. Nah, dari sekian banyak benda langit tersebut, ada yang dinamakan meteoroid. Meteoroid adalah benda padat berukuran kecil yang melayang-layang bebas di luar angkasa dan bergerak cepat. Meteoroid berasal dari pecahan benda-benda langit, seperti komet dan asteroid. Lintasan meteoroid tidak beraturan dan tidak mengorbit Matahari. Dalam perjalanannya di luar angkasa, meteorid tersebut suatu ketika akan mendekati Bumi, dan akan tertarik masuk karena adanya gaya gravitasi atau gaya tarik dari Bumi.
Banyak sekali yang tidak sadar jika Bumi kita dihujani benda angkasa yang sangat banyak. Kebanyakan orang menyebutnya sebagai bintang jatuh, padahal sebenarnya itu adalah meteor. Meteor adalah meteoroid yang masuk ke atmosfer Bumi karena tertarik oleh gaya gravitasi Bumi dan terbakar. Ketika akan masuk ke Bumi, meteor tersebut bergesekan dengan atmosfer Bumi yang membuatnya terbakar. Ini dikarenakan kecepatan yang tinggi ketika memasuki Bumi dan pergesekan dengan atmosfer Bumi yang menyebabkan suhunya naik dan membuatnya berpijar, sehingga tampak dari Bumi seperti bintang yang bergerak atau bintang jatuh.
falling-starDi antara meteor-meteor tersebut ada yang terbakar habis di atmosfer, tetapi ada juga yang tidak terbakar habis dan mencapai permukaan Bumi. Meteor yang sampai ke permukaan Bumi dinamakan meteorit. (/DEA)
Sumber gambar: https://dribbble.com
Aprilia adalah dosen Atronomi di FMIPA ITB sejak tahun 1999. Ia mendapatkan gelar doktor dalam bidang Astrofisika dari Universitas Tohoku, Jepang, pada tahun 2010. Bidang yang ditekuninya adalah Fisika Bintang. Selain mengajar, ia juga memberikan pelatihan mengenai astronomi kepada siswa sekolah menengah dan guru.

Sumber : Anakbertanya.com

Contoh Surat Lamaran

Kudus, 10 Desember 2015

Hal : Lamaran pekerjaan

Kepada Yth.,
Bpk/Ibu Pesrsonalia
PT. Mubarok Food
Jl. Kudus Colo No. 39 Kudus

Dengan Hormat,
Sesuai dengan informasi adanya lowongan pekerjaan dari PT. Mubarok Food yang saya dapatkan dari website mubarok.com pada tangga 09 Desember 2015. Saya bermaksud untuk melamar pekerjaan dan bergabung ke perusahaan yang Bapak/Ibu pimpin. Adapun bagian pekerjaan yang saya maksudkan adalah bagian Marketing dengan kode (MG) di perusahaan PT. Mubarok Food.
Berikut ini adalah biodata singkat saya
Nama                           : Churiyatul Aziziyyah
Tempat / tanggal lahir : Semarang, 29 Februari 1996
Pendidikan Terakhir    : S1 Manajemen Bisnis
Alamat                        : Jl. Besito Menawan No. 99 Rt 03 Rw 07 Besito Gebog Kudus
Telepon (Hp)               : 08993399399
Untuk melengkapi beberapa data yang diperlukan sebagai bahan pertimbangan Bapak/ibu pimpinan diwaktu yang akan dating,saya lampirkan juga kelengkapan data diri sebagai berikut :
·         Daftar Riwayat Hidup
·         Foto Copy KTP
·         Foto Copy Ijazah S-1
·         Foto Copy Transkip Nilai
·         Foto Copy Sertifikat  Kursus dan Pelatihan
·         Foto 3 x 4 yang terbaru (2 lembar)
Kesempatan wawancara dari Bapak/Ibu Personalia sangat saya harapkan agar saya dapat menjelaskan lebih detail lagi mengenai potensi dan kemampuan saya yang bisa berguna untuk perusahaan yang Bapak/ibu pimpin saat ini.
Demikian surat lamaran kerja ini saya buat dengan sebenar-benarnya dan sejujur-jujurnya, dan atas perhatian serta kerja sama dari Bapak/ibu pimpinan saya ucapkan terima kasih banyak.

Hormat saya,

                                                                                                                  Churiyatul Aziziyyah

Selasa, 17 November 2015

Kita Mengenal Jenis Zat (Padat, Cair, Gas). Termasuk ke Dalam Jenis Zat Apa Api itu? [M]

Wah, pertanyaan yang bagus sekali! Kakak yakin, pasti banyak di antara adik-adik yang penasaran dengan api ya? Begini ceritanya…
Api sebenarnya adalah hasil dari reaksi kimia, yaitu suatu proses perubahan dari suatu zat kimia ke zat kimia lain. Banyak sekali reaksi kimia yang terjadi di sekitar kita. Contohnya, adik-adik tentu mengenal fotosintesis yang terjadi pada tumbuhan hijau. Tumbuhan memperoleh cadangan makanannya dari proses fotosintesis ini. Tumbuhan mampu mengubah karbondioksida (CO2) dan air, dengan bantuan cahaya Matahari, menjadi gula dan oksigen. Gula ini yang dijadikan makanan oleh tumbuhan, dan oksigennya dilepaskan ke atmosfer untuk kita nikmati setiap hari!
Nah, bagaimana dengan api? Api terjadi ketika ada reaksi kimia antara suatu bahan bakar dan oksigen. Bahan bakar ini bisa bermacam-macam, misalnya bensin, minyak tanah, atau bahkan kayu. Proses ini biasa dikenal dengan nama oksidasi.
Mungkin sampai di sini adik-adik bingung. Begitu banyak oksigen di sekitar kita, tetapi kok tidak langsung terbakar? Nah, reaksi pembakaran memerlukan energi terlebih dahulu sebelum bisa dimulai, misalnya energi panas. Ketika kita akan membuat api unggun, tentu kayu dan minyak tanahnya tidak langsung terbakar, bukan? Kita harus menyulutnya dulu dengan api yang berasal dari korek api.
Setelah kita memberikan energi, barulah proses pembakaran bisa terjadi. Proses pembakaran ini nantinya akan menghasilkan energi berupa cahaya dan panas, juga gas-gas. Dari mana semua energi dan gas-gas tersebut?
Ketika kita memulai proses pembakaran, bahan bakar yang diberikan energi panas itu berubah menjadi gas. Setelah bahan bakar tersebut berubah menjadi gas, mereka bereaksi dengan oksigen. Reaksi dengan oksigen inilah yang menyebabkan pelepasan energi berupa cahaya.
Kemudian, ketika reaksi tersebut selesai, kita akan mendapatkan gas-gas baru, misalnya uap air dan karbondioksida. Pembentukan gas-gas baru ini akan melepaskan energi berupa panas dan cahaya juga!
Terakhir, terkadang reaksi pembakaran menyisakan jelaga yang berwarna hitam. Nah, benda-benda yang berwarna hitam sangat mudah menyerap panas! Jelaga, yang umumnya berupa karbon, akan menyerap panas yang dikeluarkan dari hasil reaksi, dan karena suhunya yang sangat panas, mereka akan menyala merah. Fenomena ini kira-kira sama seperti kalau adik-adik melihat di film-film perang, ada adegan pandai besi yang sedang menempa besi. Adik-adik dapat melihat bahwa besi yang sangat panas akan menyala merah. Nah, inilah yang menyebabkan api berwarna merah.
Jadi… termasuk ke dalam jenis zat apa api itu? Boleh dikatakan bahwa api adalah campuran dari gas-gas yang SANGAT panas dan energi berupa cahaya.

Mengapa Matahari Bersinar?

Oleh: Emanuel Sungging Mumpuni

Seperti yang sudah dibahas pada “Mengapa Matahari Bisa Panas Sekali?“, Matahari bisa ada seperti kita lihat sekarang karena adanya pertandingan yang senantiasa terjadi. Pertandingan tersebut adalah antara tekanan gravitasi yang terus berusaha menarik ke arah dalam, melawan tekanan radiasi yang senantiasa bergerak ke luar.
Tekanan radiasi akan menyebabkan energi akan diangkut keluar dan kita melihatnya sebagai sumber sinar dari Matahari, sedangkan tekanan gravitasi akan menyebabkan Matahari dalam keadaan berbentuk bola. Selama pertandingan itu seimbang, maka kita akan melihat Matahari sebagai bola raksasa yang bersinar, sampai pada saatnya nanti ketika bahan bakar Matahari (Hidrogen) habis terbakar (oleh reaksi fusi). Ketika itu terjadi, keadaan menjadi tidak seimbang lagi, dan Matahari tidaklah lagi menjadi seperti sekarang. Dia akan berkembang menjadi raksasa merah, sampai kemudian di akhir hayatnya menjadi bintang katai putih.
Jadi, Matahari bersinar itu karena adanya tekanan radiasi yang mengarah keluar, mengimbangi tekanan gravitasi yang menarik ke dalam Matahari.

Sumber gambar: http://hdw.eweb4.com
Sumber : anakbertanya.com

Senin, 16 November 2015

Apa yang Membuat Bumi Berotasi ?

Bumi berputar, atau istilah keren-nya berotasi, satu kali setiap harinya. Siang dan malam terjadi karena bumi berotasi. Namun, apa yang menyebabkan Bumi berotasi? Apa yang mengawali rotasi Bumi? Untuk mendapatkan jawabannya, kita perlu menelurusi peristiwa miliaran tahun yang lalu: saat sistem Tata Surya kita, termasuk Bumi, terbentuk.
Kala itu, sistem Tata Surya kita masih kosong. Matahari belum ada; Bumi, Bulan, dan planet-planet lain belum terbentuk. Yang ada hanyalah hamparan awan debu dan gas yang terapung-apung tak menentu di angkasa. Debu-debu dan gas ini saling tarik menarik karena gaya gravitasi sehingga mereka berputar dan mengecil.
Awan debu dan gas berputar kala sistem Tata Surya terbentuk
Apa yang terjadi kemudian? Mungkin Adik-adik dapat menebak apa yang terjadi jika kalian pernah melakukan percobaan ini: adik duduk di sebuah kursi yang dapat berputar dengan kaki menjulur, kemudian kawan adik memutar kursi tersebut. Ketika berputar, lipatlah kaki adik. Putaran kursi akan mencepat!
Sama seperti percobaan di atas, kumpulan debu dan gas berputar semakin cepat saat mereka mengecil. Lama kelamaan, terbentuklah Bumi dari debu-debu dan gas. Putaran saat Bumi masih berbentuk dan gas dan debu tidak hilang begitu saja namun menyebabkan Bumi berotasi.
Mungkin Adik-adik berpikir, kejadian ini sudah terjadi lama sekali. Mengapa Bumi masih berputar sampai sekarang?
Setiap benda yang sedang berputar cenderung mempertahankan putarannya. Gasing yang adik mainkan ingin terus berputar [lihat videonya di sini]. Kursi pada percobaan di atas pun ingin terus berputar. Hanya saja, putaran mereka lama kelamaan habis karena terganggu oleh berbagai hal, seperti gesekan dengan lantai, tanah, dan sebagainya.
Berbeda dengan putaran kursi dan gasing, tidak ada yang mengganggu putaran Bumi. Akibatnya Bumi dapat terus berputar. Seandainya suatu hari nanti ada benda angkasa super besar yang menabrak Bumi, mungkin saja putaran Bumi akan berubah: melambat, semakin cepat, atau bahkan berubah arah. Semoga saja itu tidak terjadi.

Sumber gambar: http://www.universetoday.com

Sumber : anakbertanya.com

Mengapa Bulan Tidak Jatuh ke Bumi?

Dua buah benda akan saling tarik menarik, dan semakin berat, semakin kuat tarik menarik tersebut. Bumi dan Bulan merupakan benda yang sangat berat sehingga tarik menariknya pun sangat kuat. Dibandingkan Bulan, Bumi jauh lebih besar dan lebih berat sehingga lebih sulit untuk berpindah. Akibatnya Bulan cenderung berpindah mendekati Bumi. Tarik menarik ini disebut gaya gravitasi.
Jika ada gaya gravitasi, mengapa Bulan tidak jatuh ke Bumi, seperti batu yang kita lempar ke atas dan akhirnya kembali jatuh ke Bumi? Pada kenyataannya, sebenarnya Bulan “jatuh” ke Bumi!
Untuk memahaminya, mari kita melakukan eksperimen dengan batu. Sebuah batu yang dilempar ke atas akan kembali jatuh ke Bumi. Bagaimana dengan batu yang kita lempar mendatar? Batu tersebut juga akan jatuh ke Bumi setelah menempuh jarak tertentu. Bagaimana jika batu dilempar mendatar dengan kecepatan lebih besar? Batu akan kembali ke permukaan Bumi setelah menempuh jarak yang lebih jauh.
Tanpa gravitasi, batu yang dilempar mendatar akan bergerak lurus. Karena Bumi berbentuk bola, permukaannya melengkung, maka batu tersebut semakin lama semakin jauh dari Bumi. Tetapi, karena gaya gravitasi, batu tadi akan jatuh ke Bumi. Seandainya kecepatan mendatar batu sangat besar, menyamai kecepatan jatuhnya batu, maka jarak batu dan Bumi akan selalu sama. Nah …
Gerak Bulan terhadap Bumi
Bagaimana dengan Bulan? Bulan bergerak “mendatar” dengan sangat cepat (panah biru putus-putus pada gambar). Bulan juga “jatuh” ke Bumi (panah merah). Gabungan kedua gerakan tersebut mengakibatkan gerakan Bulan tidak lagi lurus tapi melengkung membentuk lingkaran mengelilingi Bumi. Wow!
Bagaimana jika gerakan Bulan melambat? Jika Bulan melambat, kecepatan jatuhnya lebih besar daripada kecepatannya menjauh, akibatnya Bulan akan tetap mengelilingi Bumi namun semakin lama semakin dekat dan akhirnya menabrak Bumi.
Bagaimana jika gerakan Bulan lebih cepat dari sekarang? Kalian tentu sudah tahu jawabannya!

Oleh: Janto V. Sulungbudi (Fisikawan)
Sumber : anakbertanya.com

Selasa, 27 Oktober 2015

Negara Apa yang Paling Kaya di Dunia?

Oleh: Galih Prasetya Utama* ( Senior Advisor USPI Coop)
Negara apa yang paling kaya di dunia? Bagaimana menghitung kekayaan negara? Jika sebuah negara memiliki sumber daya alam melimpah, apakah bisa disebut kaya? Lalu mengapa banyak negara memiliki sumber daya alamnya melimpah, tapi penduduknya tidak kaya, bahkan jatuh miskin? Lalu negara kaya itu apa dan negara miskin itu apa? Apakah Indonesia, negara kita, juga termasuk negara yang kaya?
Baiklah mari kita telusuri, kekayaan sebuah negara dihitung dari total keseluruhan aktivitas transaksi ekonomi, yang terjadi di dalam negara tersebut. Keseluruhan aktivitas transaksi ekonomi itu adalah: aktivitas investasi + aktivitas konsumsi + aktivitas belanja pemerintah; jika ditotal menghasilkan Produk Domestik Bruto (PDB), atau sering disebut Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Jadi, kekayaan sebuah negara bisa dilihat dari nilai PDB. Jika dibandingkan dari data PDB seluruh negara di dunia, maka negara paling kaya saat ini adalah Amerika Serikat, dan Indonesia negara kita termasuk dalam 20 besar negara terkaya, dari 194 negara yang ada.
[Sumber: World Bank, September 2015]
Lalu, mengapa ada penduduk yang tinggal di suatu negara di antara daftar 25 negara terkaya di dunia tersebut masih terlihat miskin, sementara penduduk di negara lainnya tampak kaya? Mengapa beda? Karena jumlah penduduknya berbeda, maka negara yang kaya belum tentu penduduknya juga kaya.
PDB perkapita adalah total seluruh kekayaan negara pertahun dibagi dengan total keseluruhan jumlah penduduk pada tahun yang sama. Maka semakin besar jumlah penduduk, semakin kecil PDB perkapita, dan bergeser pula peringkat di daftar penduduk negara terkaya di dunia.
[Sumber: International Monetary Fund, April 2015]
Jika dilihat dari peringkat PDB perkapita, maka penduduk Indonesia tidak masuk dalam 20 besar terkaya di dunia. Kekayaan total negara harus dibagi merata ke seluruh jumlah penduduk yang mendiami wilayah negara, sehingga negara yang penduduknya lebih sedikit, akan lebih kaya, dibanding negara yang jumlah penduduknya lebih banyak.
Lalu mengapa negara yang sumber daya alamnya melimpah, belum tentu menjadi negara yang kaya? Karena sumber daya alam itu harus diolah, sehingga menghasilkan fungsi yang bisa ditransaksikan dalam aktivitas ekonomi. Jika negara yang sumber daya alamnya melimpah, tapi tidak mampu mengelola sumber daya tersebut menjadi memiliki fungsi ekonomi, maka akan menjadi negara yang tidak kaya, dan penduduknya jatuh miskin.
Negara membuat sekolah-sekolah negeri, yang mendidik penduduknya, agar mampu mengolah sumber daya alam, dan menjadikan sebesar-besarnya untuk kekayaan warga negara, serta negaranya.
*Galih Prasetya Utama saat ini menjabat sebagai senior advisor di USPI Coop, yang bergerak di perdagangan domestik dan internasional. Ia meraih gelar Sarjana dari Sekolah Farmasi (SF), Institut Teknologi Bandung, dan menggemari sains terapan serta matematika. Berasal dari Gunung Lawu, Jawa Tengah, dan sekarang tinggal di Jakarta.

sumber : anakbertanya.com

Minggu, 25 Oktober 2015

Mengapa Cahaya Putih Terdiri dari Tujuh Warna, yaitu Warna Pelangi?

Oleh: Agoes Soehianie* (Fisikawan)

Pelangi berasal dari sinar Matahari yang mengalami pembiasan di udara (atmosfir) Bumi. Cahaya Matahari adalah gelombang elektromagnetik yang dipancarkan sebagai hasil dari reaksi nuklir yang membangkitkan energi matahari. Gelombang elektromagnetik yang dipancarkan Matahari memiliki aneka “warna”. Setiap “warna” berkaitan dengan suatu panjang gelombang cahaya tertentu. Bahkan ada “warna” yang tak terlihat oleh mata manusia, yaitu gelombang cahaya ultra violet dan infra merah.
Dari semua warna yang dipancarkan Matahari, warna-warna pelangi merupakan warna yang dapat ditangkap oleh mata manusia. Ketika cahaya dengan warna-warni pelangi tersebut bercampur jadi satu, maka yang ditangkap oleh mata manusia adalah kesan warna “putih”. Ketika warna “putih” ini mengenai benda berwarna hijau misalnya, maka seluruh warna lain diserap benda tersebut sementara warna hijau dipantulkannya, sehingga mata kita menangkap warna hijau pada benda tersebut.
Pelangi terjadi ketika cahaya putih Matahari dibiaskan oleh butir-butir air di udara. Berbagai warna cahaya yang berbeda mengalami pembiasan atau pembelokan dengan arah yang berbeda, sehingga masing-masing warna jadi terlihat terpisah. Sebagai hasilnya kita melihat pelangi berwarna-warni.
Kita dapat membuat pelangi sendiri dengan mudah. Alatnya sederhana: cermin kira-kira seukuran buku kecil, piring untuk diisi air jernih, dan kertas putih untuk menangkap pelangi. Caranya: tegakkan cermin dalam piring berisi air sehingga sebagian cermin terbenam di air. Miringkan cermin menghadap Matahari sehingga sinar Matahari mengenai cermin. Di hadapan cermin taruhlah kertas putih. Tentu saja atur agar kertas putih tidak menutupi sinar Matahari yang jatuh mengenai cermin. Aturlah sudut kemiringan cermin supaya bayangan sinar Matarhari jatuh di kertas putih, dan kalian akan melihat pelangi pada kertas tersebut. Cobalah!
warna pelangi
*Agoes Soehianie mengajar di Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Institut Teknologi Bandung sejak 1989. Ia mendapatkan gelar doktor dalam bidang Fisika dari The University of New South Wales, Australia, pada tahun 1995. Bidang yang ditekuninya adalah fisika magnetik dan fotonik.

Sumber : anakbertanya.com

Ciri Ciri Logam dan Non Logam

Ciri logam antara lain adalah sebagai berikut :
1. Umumnya berbentuk padat, kecuai raksa
2. Dapat di bentuk, di iris dll
3. Berkilau jika terkena cahaya
4. Memiliki titik beku dan titik didih yang tinggi
5. Termasuk konduktor panas dan listrik

Ciri non logam adalah sebagai berikut :
1. Berbentuk variasi
2. Tidak bisa di bentuk
3. Merupakan isolator panas dan listrik
4. Tidak mengkilap

Kamis, 15 Oktober 2015



A.     Background
Education policy is a concept that we often hear, we say, we do, but often we do not understand fully, therefore, we see first what is meant by education policy. Both words have a meaning that is so widely and variously so there needs to be an agreement in advance what is meant by both terms.
The main runway of the underlying policy considerations are akal.Tentunya a policy is not merely the result of reasoning manusia.Namun Thus, the human mind is the dominant element in the decision-making of the various options in the policy decision-making.
A policy more emphasis on emotional factors and irasional.Bukan means that a policy does not contain the elements rasional.Barangkali rational factors has not yet been reached at that time or an intuition.
National education functions according to the Law number 20 of 2003 on Education System Nasioanal is to develop skills and character development and a dignified civilization in the context of the intellectual life of the nation, aimed at developing students' potentials to become a man of faith and devoted to almighty Esa, noble, healthy, knowledgeable skilled, creative, independent, and become citizens of a democratic and responsible.

B.    Problem Formulation
1.       How to plan long-term development of national development?
2.       How can the national education system?
3.       How is the principal national policy?
4.       How is the direction of development of national education?

C.      Objectives
1.       Knowing the long-term development plan of national development
2.       Knowing the national education system
3.       Know the basic national policy
4.       Knowing the direction of development of national education

A.     Long Term Development Plan of the National
In the course of its history PGRI as struggle organizations, professional organizations and labor should remain consistent with the identity that is rooted in the vision of its future. As we know that PGRI's vision is "to realize the PGRI as a dynamic organization, independent and beribawa loved by its members, respected by its partners, and its existence is recognized by the wider community".
With this vision PGRI carry out a number of misi.Pertama is a national mission, ie to maintain, defend and filling and realize the ideals of the independence proclamation of August 17 1945.Kedua is the mission of national development that participate in the successful development is the mission of national education nasional.Ketiga , which actively participated in the successful development of human resources. The fourth is a professional mission, which is to fight for the establishment of a professional teacher with all the rights, obligations, dignity and career development. The fifth mission is to fight for the achievement of prosperity in physical and spiritual well-being of teachers and other education personnel.
To carry out the mission in order to realize the vision PGRI Software has many tools available. With reference to the 1945 constitution, since the reformation has many legal products issued, including:
a.        Act No. 20 of 2003 on National Education System
b.       Law No. 17 of 2007 on the Long Term Development Plan
c.         Government Regulation No.19 of 2005 on National Education Standards.
d.       The Presidential Regulation No. 5 of 2010 regarding the 2010-2014 Medium Term Development Plan.

1.     Vision and Mission of the National Long-Term Development Plan 2005-2025
As has been described in Law No. 17 of 2007 on Long-Term National Development Plan (2005-2025) and based on the current condition of the Indonesian nation, the challenges faced in the 20 years to come to take into account the authorized capital owned by the Indonesian people and the development tasks stated in the preamble of Law Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1945, the National Development Vision 2005-2025 is "Indonesia is an independent, progressive, just and prosperous".
In connection with the vision needs to be explained as follows:
a.     Independent: independent nation is capable memujudkan life bangasa parallel and equal with other nations that have been advanced by relying on their own abilities and strengths.
b.      Forward: A nation is said to be more advanced if its human resources has a national character, noble, and high-quality education.
c.     Fair: The fair nation meant there was no discrimination in any form, either in the form of individual, gender, and region.
d.      Makmur: Then prosperous nation is a nation that has fulfilled all the needs of his life.
           In order to realize the vision that has been set, then drafted the Seven Missions National Development (2005-2025), consisting of:
a.     Creating public morals, moral, ethical, cultural, and based on the philosophy of Pancasila is to strengthen the identity and character of the nation through education aimed at forming a man devoted to God Almighty.
b.      Realizing the highly-competitive nation is a nation that emphasizes the development of human resources quality and competitiveness by improving the acquisition and utilization of science and technology through research, development and application towards sustainable innovation ..
c.     Create a Democratic society based on law is to establish a more solid democratic institutions.                    
d.      Realizing Indonesia is safe, peaceful and united is the construction of military force to exceed the minimum essential force and respected regional and international region.
e.       Creating equitable development and justice is to improve regional development and reduce social inequality overall.
f.       Realizing Indonesia and Lestari Asri is to improve the management of the construction company that can maintain a balance between utilization, sustainability, availability and usability of natural resources and the environment while maintaining the functions, capacity, and convenience of life in the present and the future.
g.      Realizing Indonesia became independent island state, advanced, powerful, and based on national interests is growing maritime insight for the community and the government for the development of Indonesia-oriented in every aspect.

B.    National Education System
Preamble to the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1945 stating that the national goal is to protect the people and the country of Indonesia and to promote the general welfare, the intellectual life of the nation, and participate in the establishment of world order based on freedom, lasting peace and social justice.
To achieve the national goals, education is a crucial factor. Furthermore, Article 31 of the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1945 mandates that
a.      Every citizen has the right to education
b.     Every citizen is obliged to follow elementary education and the government is obliged to finance
c.       The government shall manage and organize a national education system, which increases the faith and piety and noble character in order to educate the nation governed by laws.
d.      State prioritizes education budget of at least 20% of the national budget and the budget to meet the needs of the organization of national pendiddikan
e.      Government of advancing science and technology with high uphold religious values ​​and national unity for the progress of civilization and welfare of mankind.
One mandate of the Constitution of the Republic Indosesia 1945 lebihg are then set up in the law number 20 of 2003 on the national education system.
Such national education system must be able to ensure:
a.      Equitable educational opportunities
b.     Improving the quality and relevance
c.      The efficiency of education management to meet the challenges in accordance with the demands of changes in local, national, and global
1.      Basic, Function and purpose
National education system is a whole educational component in an integrated manner to achieve national education goals.
National education is education based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution which is rooted in religious values, national culture tutntutan Indonesia and responsive to the changing times.
National education function is to develop the ability and form the character and civilization bangsayang dignified in order to educate the nation.
National Education goal is to develop students' potentials to become a man of faith and bertqwa to almighty God, noble, healthy, knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent, and become citizens of a democratic and responsible.
Basic provisions, functions, and the purpose of the national education system are set out in Article 2 and Article 3 of the Education Law.
Education is empowering learners to develop into a fully human Indonesia, namely the high menjungjung and hold firmly norms and values ​​as follows:
a.      Norma Religion and Humanity
b.     Norma United Nations
c.       Norma Democracy and Democracy
d.     Values ​​Social Justice (fifth Sila)

2.      Education Paradigm
Article 4 of Law Sikdiknas regulates organizing principle as beriku:
a.     Education diselenggarakansecara democratic and fair and non-discriminatory with upholds human rights, religious values, cultural values, and the diversity of the nation.
b.     Education is organized as a systemic unity with an open system and the systemic
c.      Education was held as a civilizing process and the empowerment of learners that lasts a lifetime.
d.     Education was organized with exemplary members, build the will, and develop the creativity of learners in the learning process.
e.     Education organized by developing a culture of reading, writing, and numeracy for all members of society.
f.       Pendiddikan held by m, emberdayakan all components of society through participation in the administration and control of the quality of educational services.

Implementation of the above education based on some universal paradigm to consider the following:
a.     Empowerment Whole Person
Treating students as a subject is a tribute to the students as human beings who utuh.Peserta students Have the right to actualize itself optimally in the aspects of spiritual, emotional, kinesthetic, social, and intellectual.                                                   
b.     Learning Lifelong Learners Based On
Learning is a lifelong process, ie learning from birth until death are held in public and the systemic. Lifelong learning takes place openly through formal, non-formal, informal and can be accessed by students at any time is not limited by age, place and time.
c.     Education for All
Minimum education at the primary level is part of the fulfillment of human rights efforts must be planned and executed as quickly as possible.
d.     Education for Development, Development, and Sustainable Development.
Education should foster understanding of the importance of sustainable and ecological balance, which is the understanding that human beings are part of ekosistm and education section should provide an understanding of the values ​​of responsibility.

Thus if related to national development, the education is:
1) Uniting Nations
2) Match the opportunity
3) Development of the potential worth of all learners

Education is expected to strengthen the integrity of the nation within the Unitary State of Indonesia, as well as providing equal opportunities for every citizen to participate in the construction, in addition to allowing each of its citizens to develop their potential optimally.

3.      Line, Level and Type of Education
Relating to the definition of the national education system, it is clear that the national education system is a whole educational component in an integrated manner to achieve educational goals nasional.Ini means, although national education consists of several components, but it remains a unified whole and complement each other. As is known in the national education system as to which is set in the National Education Law, the following three (3) forms of education recognized in article 13 paragraph (1) Education Law:
a.        Formal education, education is the path that tersktruktur and tiered consisting of primary education, secondary education and higher education.
b.        Non-formal education, is the path of education outside formal education that can be implemented in tersktruktur and tiered.
c.         Informal education, family education is the path and the environment.
These three educational paths above are essentially complementary and memperkaya.Hal shows us that education resources are not solely derived from formal education, but there are also other sources legally recognized as stated in the National Education System Law which are integral and complete each other.
Education units are services that provide education group education in formal, non-formal, and informal at all levels and types pendidikan.Berikut is formal education units.
a.        Basic Education, an education that underlies secondary education and governed by Article 17 paragraph (2) of the Law on National Education System, consisting of (1) Primary School (SD), Islamic Elementary School (MI), or any other form equivalent, for example: Program package "A"; Junior High School (SMP), MTs (MTs), or other equivalent forms, for example: program package "B".
b.        Secondary Education, is a continuation of basic education, stipulated in Article 18 paragraph (3) of the Law on National Education System, consisting of: High School (SMA), Madrasah Aliyah (MA), or any other form equivalent, for example: program package "C" , vocational schools (SMK), Madrasah Aliyah Vocational (MAK), or other equivalent form.                                                                                       
c.         Pendidika High, an education after secondary education, which covers Diploma, Bachelor, Master, Specialist and Doctor organized by higher education and set forth in article 19, the National Education Law.
While Article 20, set the form of higher education that academic form, polytechnics, colleges, institutes and universities, with the following explanation:
a.        Academic organize vocational education in one branch or part of the branches of science, technology, and / or certain arts.
b.        Polytechnic organizes vocational education in a number of areas of special knowledge.

c.        The high school academic education and / or vocational within the scope of the specific disciplines and if eligible can organize professional education.
d.       Institute organizes academic education and / or vocational education in the group discipline of science, technology, and / or art and if eligible can organize professional education.
e.        University education academic and / or vocational education in a number of science, technology, and / or art and if eligible can organize professional education.
In addition to track, level as above, the National Education also has seven (7) types of formal education, which consists of:
a.        General Education
Primary and secondary education is prioritizing the expansion of the knowledge required by the students to continue their education to a higher level.
b.       Vocational Education
A secondary education that prepares learners, especially to work in a particular field.
c.        Education Academic
A higher education after undergraduate and graduate programs are directed primarily on the acquisition of certain disciplines.
d.       Education profession
A higher education after an undergraduate program that prepares students to have a job with a particular skill requirements.
e.        Vocational Education
A higher education that prepares students to have a job with a certain applied skills, a maximum of the equivalent of an undergraduate program.
f.        Religious Education
A primary, secondary, and higher that prepares students to be able to carry out a role that demands mastery of the knowledge of religion and / or be a theologian.
g.       Special Education
Is the provision of education for different learners or students who have extraordinary intelligence held by inclusively or special education unit at the primary and secondary levels.

While the Non-formal Education Unit, consisting of:
a.        Education Life Skills  (Life Skills), is education that provides personal skills, intellectual, and vocational work or their own business.
b.       Education Youth, education is organized to prepare a cadre of national leaders, such as youth organizations, educational scouting / scouting, sports, red cross, leadership coach, nature lovers, as well as entrepreneurship.
c.         Education Women's Empowerment, is education to raise the dignity of women.
d.       Education Equality, is a non-formal education program that organizes public education equivalent of SD / MI, SMP / MTs, SMA / MA which includes a program package "A" packet "B", and a package of "C".
e.         Education Job Training, implemented to improve the ability of learners with an emphasis on the procurement functional skills that fit the needs of the working world.                                                          
f.        Education Early Childhood children, held before the basic education level, and can be organized through formal education, non-formal and / or informal, such as Kindergarten (TK), raudatul RA (RA), or other equivalent form.

4.      Government Regulation No. 19 of 2005
This pemerintaha regulations governing the National Education Standards, as mandated in Article 35 of the Law Sisdiknas.Yang referred to national education standards are the minimum criteria regarding the educational system in the entire territory of the Republic of the National Education Indonesia.Standar serves as a basis for planning, implementation and supervision of education in order to realize the quality of national education, and aims to ensure the quality of national education in order to educate the nation's life and form the character and civilization that dignity. Education quality is directed to the development of students' potentials to become a man of faith and fear of God Almighty, noble, healthy, knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent, and become citizens of a democratic and accountable, as has been confirmed in article 3 of the Education Law.

National Education Standards include:
a.        Standard contents
b.       Standards process
c.        Standards of competence of graduates
d.       Standard teachers and education personnel
e.        The standard of facilities and infrastructure
f.        Standard management
g.       Standard financing
h.       Standard assessment of education

The following describes the sense of 8 (eight) standard is:
a.        This standard is the scope of material and level of competence as outlined in the criteria concerning the competence of the graduates, the study material competence, competency subjects and syllabus of learning that must be met by learners at the level and type of education.
b.       The standard process is the national standards relating to the implementation of learning in the educational unit to achieve competency standards.
c.        Standards of competence of graduates are qualified graduate capabilities that include attitudes, knowledge, and skills.
d.       Standards are teachers and education criteria and eligibility Prajabatan physically and mentally, as well as in-service education.
e.        The standard of facilities and infrastructure is a national education standards relating to the minimum criteria of the study room, a place to exercise, places of worship, libraries, laboratories, workshops, a playground, a place to be creative, and recreation as well as other learning resources, needed to support the learning process, including the use of informal and communication technologies.
f.        Standard management is the national standards relating to the planning, implementation, and monitoring of educational activities at the unit level, district / municipal, provincial, or national level in order to achieve efficiency and effectiveness of education.
g.       The standard is the standard that governs the financing of components and the cost of operating the educational unit which is valid for one year.
h.       The standard educational assessment are national standards relating to the mechanisms, procedures and instruments of assessment of learning outcomes of students.

With the enactment of national education standards, then we already have a basic reference (benchmark) enumerated by each organizer and educational unit, which among others include the minimum criteria of the various aspects related to the education providers.
In this regard, the criteria of education provision be used as guidelines to realize (1) education that contain content that is balanced and holistic, (2) the learning process is democratic, educate, motivate encourage creativity and dialogue, (3) quality educational outcomes and measurable, (4) development of the professionalism of teachers and education personnel, (5) the availability of facilities and infrastructure that enable the development potential of learners optimally, (6) the development of educational management that empower education unit, and (7) the implementation of the evaluation, accreditation and certification oriented on continuous improvement.

C.    Basic Policies for the National Education Development
There are three basic pillars of national education development policies, namely:
a.        Equity and expanding access
b.       Improving the quality of education, relevance and competitiveness
c.        Strengthening governance, accountability, and public image.

1.       Improvement of Education Quality and Competitiveness of the Comprehensive Approach
MONE has developed a comprehensive approach to improve the quality, relevance, and competitiveness of education. This comprehensive approach is designed based on Law No. 20 Year 2003 on National Education System which mandates the development of the National Education Standards (NES), the implementation of international education and local excellence, accreditation of education, and the Minimum Service Standards (SPM).
a.        the National Education Standards
National Education Standards (NES) serves as a basis for planning and supervision of education in order to realize national education quality. SNP policy will be implemented through the following activities:
1)       Apply the content standards in the curriculum of education unit.
2)       Apply the competency standards.
3)       Implement teacher qualification standards, and implement teacher certification.                                                                                             
4)       Implement educational management standards.
5)       Implement a standard assessment of learning outcomes.
6)       Implement educational facilities and infrastructure standards.
7)       Implement educational process standards.
8)       Develop standards of education financing.
b.       Education International Level and Local Excellence Based
Article 50 paragraph (3) of Law No. 20 of 2003 on National Education System mandates that the government and / or local government organizes at least one unit of education at all levels of education to be developed into units of international standards, while paragraph (5) mandates that local governments and municipalities manage pedidikan primary and secondary as well as educational units based on local advantages. Characteristics of international education is that the process and minimal education graduates on par with schools and universities in developed countries. Educational development policy in the administration of international education and local excellence will be implemented through the following activities:
1)       Increase the number of construction of international standard schools and local excellence least one school in the province, county, and city.
2)       Mmembantu implementation of international standard schools and local excellence held by the public.
3)       Facilitate cooperation between the education of international standard schools and educational partners (sister school) abroad.

c.        Minimum Service Standards (SPM)
SPM education defined by Kepmendiknas No.129a / U / 2004 is in the process of improvement to be harmonized with the PP 19 Year 2005 on National Education Standards and PP 65 Year 2005 as SPM education is very necessary to ensure the realization of the quality of education organized by the local government. Principles SPM according to Article 3, PP 65 Year 2005, namely
1)       SPM is structured as alat.Pemerintah and local governments to ensure access to and quality of basic services to the public evenly in the course of the obligatory functions
2)       SPM set by the government and applied to the entire provincial government, local government districts, and municipalities.
3)       the application of SPM by the local government is part of the provision of services on a national basis.
4) The       SPM is a simple, concrete, easily measured, open, affordable, and reliable and has a time limit achievement.
5)       SPM adjusted to the development needs, priorities, and financial capabilities of national and local.

D.    Direction of National Education Development Policy
In order to realize these objectives, Improving Public Access to Education More Qualified to be implemented within the framework of the policy direction as follows:
a.        Organizing Compulsory Nine-Year Basic Education for realizing equitable quality basic education in the entire territory of the Republic of Indonesia to meet the basic rights of citizens. For that effort recalls dropouts and graduates include SDLB SD, MI and Package A, which does not continue to pursue the SMP / MTs / Package B as well as efforts to reduce the dropout rate must be optimized.
b.       Reduce significantly the number of illiterates through increased intensification of expanding access and quality of functional literacy education that is supported by efforts to reduce the dropout rate, especially in the early grades SD / MI or equivalent as well as developing a reading culture to avoid the blind alphabet back (relapse illiteracy), and creating a learning society.
c.        Increase the extension and equity of secondary education, formal and non-formal both general and vocational anticipation of increasing junior high school graduates as a result of the success of Compulsory Education Basic Nine-Year, and the provision of employment of graduates of secondary education quality by improving the relevance of secondary education with labor requirements.
d.        Improving the expansion and quality of higher education including the balancing and harmonizing the number and type of courses that are tailored to the demands of the development needs and to produce graduates who meet the needs of the labor market and the improvement and strengthening of the role of universities as the spearhead of improving the competitiveness of the nation through the creation and development science, technology, culture and the arts.
e.         Improving the expansion of early childhood education in order to foster, cultivate and develop the full potential of early childhood optimally in order to have the readiness to enter further education.
f.         Organizing non-formal education are qualified to provide education services to citizens who can not possibly meet the needs of education through formal channels, especially for people who have never attended school or are illiterate, dropout and other community members who want to improve or acquire the knowledge, skills / life skills and abilities to improve their quality of life.
g.       Reduce gaps education participation among groups in society by providing greater access to community groups that have been less affordable for education services such as the poor, people who live in rural areas, remote and island communities in conflict areas, as well as the public with disabilities ,
h.       Carrying out alternative education in conflicts and natural disasters, followed by rehabilitation and reconstruction of damaged infrastructure including the provision of teachers and education personnel, as well as the preparation of learners to be able to follow the teaching and learning process.
i.         Conducting special education for students who have difficulty in following the learning process because of physical, emotional, mental, social, and / or have the potential of intelligence and special talents.           
j.         Intensifying the socialization importance of education for all to the whole society and the implementation of advocacy for decision makers to give great attention to the development of education.
k.        Develop national and local curriculum tailored to the development of science, technology, culture and art and the development of global, regional, national and local, including the development and integration kinestetika life skills education to improve the work ethic and entrepreneurial abilities of learners;
l.         Develop civic education and multicultural education in order to foster national awareness and sow democratic values ​​by means of established understanding of the values ​​of pluralism, tolerance, and inclusive in order to improve adhesion pluralistic Indonesian society, and strengthen national unity.
m.     Strengthening the moral education in order to develop a noble character, including the ethics and aesthetics of early among learners and knowledge development of arts, culture, and environment.
n.       Provide educational materials and equipment (teaching and learning materials) date either in the form of printed materials such as textbooks and are based on information and communication technology and natural surroundings.
o.       Increase the number and quality of teachers and other education personnel taking into account the increase in the number of learners and the accuracy of the location, as well as improving the welfare and legal protection for educators to be able to develop their competence and increase their commitment in carrying out the task of teaching.
p.       The development of information and communication technology in education as a science, teaching aids, educational facilities, competency standards, supporting educational administration, educational unit management tools, and educational infrastructure.
q.       Developing a system of evaluation, accreditation and certification, including testing and assessment of the education system in order to control the quality of national education in the educational unit as a form of accountability of education providers, as well as the evaluation of education providers at the district / municipal, provincial, and national levels.                                                     
r.         Improving the management of education by increasing the autonomy and decentralized management of education to the education unit in conducting education effective and efficient, transparent, responsible, accountable and participatory based on the minimum service standards and improve the relevance of learning to the local environment.
s.        Increase community participation in education development, including in education funding, the implementation of community-based education and in improving the quality of education services includes planning, monitoring, and evaluation of educational programs.
t.          Reforming the system of financing education is principled equitable, efficient, effective, transparent and accountable, including the implementation of education funding based on the number of students (student-based financing) and an increase in the education budget to 20 percent of the state budget and the budget to continue efforts equalization and provision quality education.
u.       Increase the research and development of education for the development of policies, programs, and educational development activities in order to improve the quality, range and equality of service, effectiveness and efficiency of educational services management including to support efforts to succeed Compulsory Nine-Year Basic Education quality.

A. Conclusion
To realize the poor quality of education through the development of education policy by:
a.        Planning long-term national development
            Long term development plan is a description of the destination in the form of State government of Indonesia stated in the preamble republic Indonesia in 1945 yaoitu to protect all the people and the homeland of Indonesia, promote the general welfare, educating the nation and participate in the establishment of world order based on freedom, peace perennial   and social justice in the form of the formulation of the vision, mission and direction of national development.
b.       System of national education
National education system is a whole educational component in an integrated manner to achieve national education goals.
National education is education based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution which is rooted in religious values, national culture tutntutan Indonesia and responsive to the changing times.
c.        Basic Policies for the National Education Development
There are three basic pillars of national education development policies, namely:
·    Equity and expanding access
·    Improving the quality of education, relevance and competitiveness
·    Strengthening governance, accountability, and public image.
d.       the direction of development of national education

·          Trauna SH, et al, 2007, History Education Perjungan Indonesian Teachers Association (PGRI PSP), Semrang: Teachers' Training College PGRI Semarang Press
·          Http://www.PGRI.org

·          Http://retnofajarwati.blogspot.com/2013/04/kebijakan-pembangunan-pendidikan.html